Lisa Hillmer-Poole

Lisa Hillmer-Poole

Global Head of Digital Experience

Lisa Hillmer-Poole holds the role of Global Head of Digital Experience in the Gravity Denver office. With nearly 20 years of combined agency and in-house marketing experience, Lisa brings clarity, confidence and consistency to clients of all sizes and a wide variety of industries.

Mark Lethbridge

Jose Lozano

Sean Feast

Paul Anderson

Lisa Hillmer-Poole

Lisa DePoy

Chris Omotosho

Nicola Cook

Scott Thaler

Nikole Rose

Andrew Daynes

Josh Okun

Jeff Robertson

Mark Mitton

Kyle Allen

Mark Morse

Lou Roberts

Sharlene Lytton

Andy Greaves

Steve Cheliotis

Rob Welsby

Nate Esser

Rachel Smith

Shay Ruggles

Cody Sandahl

Andrew Blotner

Laura Forester

Home Office

Denver, CO

Client Experience

Coleman, Cox, Dry Dock Brewing, Level 3, Time Warner, BAND-IT, Gates, Cherry Bomb

Lisa partners with clients and team members across the entire agency network to bring brands to life through websites, marketing automation, SEO, PPC and a host of other vehicles. She develops the next generation of talent and safeguards the work hard/play hard culture of the Gravity Denver Office.

Prior to Gravity, Lisa was an Account Executive for the Denver-based ad agency, The Envision Group, servicing dozens of B2B and B2C clients in the healthcare, construction, technology, energy, finance and hospitality industries. Her work has been recognized by the AMA and the BMA, and she regularly lends her time and resources to Downtown Aurora Visual Arts and The Parkinson Association of the Rockies.

In a former life, Lisa worked as a photographer, shooting international architecture projects, teaching classes at Colorado Free University and serving as the in-house photographer for Sports Authority.

Blog Posts by Lisa Hillmer-Poole

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What's in a Name? One Way to Look at Organizing Your Brand Messaging Structure

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Finding the Right Balance Design, UX and SEO

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