Lou Roberts

Lou Roberts

Managing Director, Performance Marketing

Lou empowers the planning, activation, analytics and AdOps team to ensure execution excellence for our clients.

Mark Lethbridge

Jose Lozano

Sean Feast

Paul Anderson

Lisa Hillmer-Poole

Lisa DePoy

Chris Omotosho

Nicola Cook

Scott Thaler

Nikole Rose

Andrew Daynes

Josh Okun

Jeff Robertson

Mark Mitton

Kyle Allen

Mark Morse

Lou Roberts

David Walsh

Sharlene Lytton

Andy Greaves

Bobby Pearce

Steve Cheliotis

Rob Welsby

Nate Esser

Rachel Smith

Shay Ruggles

Cody Sandahl

Andrew Blotner

Home Office

Norwich, UK

She is marketing qualified, client focussed with a strong digital background - Lou understand both clients needs and the requirements of our media teams. By collaborating & communicating in a transparent way & by taking time to understand our clients, she can bring together the right teams to deliver campaigns to deliver results. Lou believes in long-term value delivery rather than a short-term, high-risk approach.

Key achievements for her are long term relationships with clients, clients do not stay with you if you are not delivering results. Lou never wants a client to say 'so what'. So she does the 'so whatting' internally.

In her personal life family and friends are everything and she is the newly crowned Nonna of Bonnie and Teddy. Lou has a love hate relationship with exercise - though she does it every day. For Lou learning is everything - every day is a school day and every day is a gift. She is also still learning the offside rule in football/soccer. To wrap it up Travel, gin and wine are her go to.


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