Steve Cheliotis

Steve Cheliotis

Global Brand Insight Director

Stephen holds the role of Global Brand Insight Director at Gravity Global.

Mark Lethbridge

Jose Lozano

Sean Feast

Paul Anderson

Lisa Hillmer-Poole

Lisa DePoy

Chris Omotosho

Nicola Cook

Scott Thaler

Nikole Rose

Andrew Daynes

Josh Okun

Jeff Robertson

Mark Mitton

Kyle Allen

Mark Morse

Lou Roberts

David Walsh

Sharlene Lytton

Andy Greaves

Bobby Pearce

Steve Cheliotis

Rob Welsby

Nate Esser

Rachel Smith

Shay Ruggles

Cody Sandahl

Andrew Blotner

Since starting his career at Brand Finance in the late nineties, Stephen has provided robust research, trends & insights, and strategic branding advice to both established and challenger brands across a wide variety of B2B and B2C sectors. Stephen ran The Centre for Brand Analysis from 2006 to early 2022, prior to joining Gravity. He is the Chairman of the UK Consumer Superbrands, Business Superbrands and CoolBrands Council. He founded and sold The Brand Network, an insights and event business working with over 150 leading global brands. A regular commentator on CNN, the BBC and Sky among others, Stephen encourages the next generation of marketers as a visiting professor and also a judge for the Marketing Academy scholarship.

Blog Posts by Steve Cheliotis

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More Than a Feeling: Evidence-Backed Emotion in Business Marketing

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