Rob Welsby

Rob Welsby

Managing Director, SEO

Rob is Gravity Global's resident search expert, leading our SEO practice area as well as biddable media (paid search and social media)

Mark Lethbridge

Jose Lozano

Sean Feast

Paul Anderson

Josh Okun

Lisa DePoy

Chris Omotosho

Nicola Cook

Scott Thaler

Tom Golland

Andrew Daynes

Renata Florio

Nikole Rose

Jeff Robertson

Mark Morse

Kyle Allen

Mark Mitton

Lou Roberts

Sharlene Lytton

Andy Greaves

Steve Cheliotis

Rob Welsby

Nate Esser

Rachel Smith

Shay Ruggles

Cody Sandahl

Andrew Blotner

Laura Forester

Home Office

Norwich, UK

Leading Gravity Global’s SEO practice area, Rob first started working in organic search nearly 20 years ago, and in that time has seen seismic shifts in how brands need to evolve and adapt to maintain strong organic search visibility. From site speed and UX to ‘mobile-first’, machine-learning algorithms and the future of AI, Rob and team enjoy nothing more than geeking out over data and seeing real-world commercial-impact for our clients based on our recommendations.​

Our SEO team of 20 expert organic search specialists have worked with a wide variety of brands in both B2B and B2C, from Fortune 50 global brands to specialist engineering and aerospace sectors with a target audience measured in the dozens rather than millions.

Outside of work, you'll find Rob working on various DIY projects, going on hiking expeditions with wife and dog, or enjoying a craft IPA and complaining about how music will never be as good as the 90's rock and grunge era.


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